
需要在你的课程表上加一门课? 我们会帮你的. 学生们可以在学期的第一周自行选课.

在学期的第一周之后, students must obtain both the instructor's signature and their advisor's signature to add any classes.


  1. 登录到 通路
  2. Select 管理类
  3. 选择 世界杯赌场盘口 下拉
  4. Select 添加类
  5. You may search for the class using the Class Search feature or by entering the class number in the Class Number box if you already know it.
  6. 当您找到所需的类时,选择select按钮. 在下一页, check the 世界杯赌场盘口 Requirements and Class Notes to make sure you want that section of the course. 选择Next按钮.
  7. 这将把课程放到您的注册购物车中. Placing classes in your enrollment shopping cart does not guarantee you a spot in the class until you finish enrolling in the class.
    • 如果你后来决定不去上课, make sure to remove it from your shopping cart so the system does not automatically enroll you.
    • 如果一个班级满了并且有候补名单, 您可以通过尝试添加课程将自己添加到等待列表中. 如果候补名单上有空位,你会被加进去.
  8. 一旦你的注册购物车中有了你想要的所有课程, 选择Proceed to Step 2 / 3按钮.
  9. 最后一次复习你的课程,然后选择Finish enrollment.
  10. 对于成功添加的每个类,您将获得一个绿色的复选标记. If you do not get to the green checkmark, you are not enrolled in the class yet.
    • 如果班级满了或者你没有达到先决条件,你会得到一个红色的X. 您可能需要选择不同的类.



需要更多关于添加类的信息? 看看我们的其他指南或世界杯赌场盘口.

进度计划 is a web-based application accessible from 通路 that allows students and academic advisors to generate optimized variations of class schedules, taking into account the student's desired breaks and schedule conflicts as well as course availability.


  1. 打印一个 添加/删除表格(PDF)可输入的添加/删除表格(PDF), 从UMKC中心买一辆, 或者从你所在学术单位的学生服务/咨询办公室获得一份.
  2. 用需要添加的类填写添加/删除表单.
  3. Bring the add/drop form to 中央世界杯赌场盘口, fax, email, or upload in the Secure File Uploader.



安全文件上传:通过通路学生中心上传, 单击“安全文件上传”框并按照提示操作

如果一个班级仅限于特定的学生群体, 你可能需要得到许可才能把它添加到你的日程安排中. The department offering the course can enter this permission in 通路 so you can register yourself, 或者他们可以签署一份 添加/删除表格(PDF), 可输入的添加/删除表格(PDF).

希望报读本科课程的研究生, 不管这些课程如何计入研究生学位课程, 是否需要填写 本科课程授权表格(PDF).


有些课程可能在通路上有候补名单. 如果班级满了, 候补名单已经有了, 将在课程表上以黄色三角形标示. 要将自己添加到等待列表中,请遵循添加类的程序. To remove yourself from the wait list, you need to follow the same steps for dropping a class.

如果在学期开始前有空位的话, 系统将尝试将您添加到该类中. You will be notified via your UMKC e-mail address as to whether you were added to the class. If you no longer wish to be registered for the class, please drop the class via 通路.

If the system encounters one or more registration errors when attempting to add you to the course, an e-mail notification will be sent providing the registration error the system encountered. 系统将尝试将下一个人添加到等待列表中, 但你不会失去候补名单上的位置. Please note that we are not currently able to report more than one registration error in the e-mail notification even if you have multiple registration issues. 可能的注册错误:

  • Time Conflict: If you are enrolled for another class at the same time as your waitlisted class, 自动注册过程将跳过您.
  • Max hours exceeded: If enrolling in the waitlisted class would put you over your term credit hour limit (17 hours for most undergraduate students), 自动注册过程将跳过您.
  • 注册暂停:如果您的帐户上有注册暂停, 自动注册过程将跳过您.
  • 世界杯赌场盘口 Requirement: If you do not meet the enrollment requirement for the course, 自动注册过程将跳过您. 比如通过适当的数学分班考试,passing the WEPT exam or if you must be admitted into a specific major (Chemistry, 业务, 护理, 等.)报名参加课程.

要查看您在等待名单上的位置,请导航到自助服务, 选择学生中心, 然后选择“我的课程表”链接. 如果你在候补名单上, the status for the class will be "Waiting" and a Waitlist Position number will be displayed. 如果你在位置1, that means you are first on the list and will be first to be enrolled if space becomes available.

If you have not been automatically added to the class by the third day of the term, the only option for adding the class is getting special permission from the instructor. 教练需要在一个 添加/删除表格(PDF), 可输入的添加/删除表格(PDF) 你需要亲自把它带到登记处 & 记录办公室添加课程.


为了参加时间冲突的课程, 这很罕见, the instructors of both courses must approve the enrollment and agree to your plan on how you will manage the time conflict.  要注册,您必须:

  1. 填写表格 添加/删除表格(PDF)可输入的添加/删除表格(PDF). 你可以在网上找到, 从UMKC中心买一辆, 或者从你所在学术单位的学生服务/咨询办公室获得一份.
  2. 用需要添加的类填写添加/删除表单 and get the instructors signature or emailed permission to override the time conflict.
  3. You will also need a signature from the instructor of the other course that is involved in the time conflict.  这也可以是通过电子邮件发送的权限来覆盖时间冲突. 
  4. 让你的学术顾问在表格底部签名吗.
  5. Bring the add/drop form to 中央世界杯赌场盘口, fax, email, or upload in the Secure File Uploader.



安全文件上传:通过通路学生中心上传, 单击“安全文件上传”框并按照提示操作

学生可以在学期的第一周通过通路添加课程. 在那之后,他们必须得到老师的签名才能加迟到的课. 第一周后正式注册课程的步骤如下:

  1. 打印一个 添加/删除表格(PDF)可输入的添加/删除表格(PDF), 从UMKC中心买一辆, 或者从你所在学术单位的学生服务/咨询办公室获得一份.
  2. 用需要添加的类填写添加/删除表单.
  3. Have the instructor for the class initial in the "Late Add" box and sign on the end of the line for that class.
  4. 让你的学术顾问在表格底部签名吗.
  5. Bring the add/drop form to 中央世界杯赌场盘口, fax, email, or upload in the Secure File Uploader.



安全文件上传:通过通路学生中心上传, 单击“安全文件上传”框并按照提示操作

If you attempt to register for a class and receive a red X indicating the class could not be added, 它还会给您一条消息,告诉您为什么不能添加类. 下面列出了可能的消息以及如何解决每个消息.

  • 拒绝访问. 您尚未同意与大学在网上开展业务. Click on the UM E-consent link in the blue 通路 menu, grant consent, and re-log in to 通路.
  • 这不是一个有效的类号. The class number is the 5-digit reference number that tells the computer which section of a particular course you want to enroll in (e.g. 45678). 春季课程编号都以数字1开头, 夏季班的编号以3开头,秋季班的编号以4开头.
  • 你已经上过这门课了. 你现在已经超过了这个类的可重复限制. 确认本课程将适用于你的课程学习. 这只是一个警告信息. 你已经报名参加了这个班, but you should double-check with your advisor that it will count toward your degree. 如果你要重修一门课来提高你的GPA, you must complete a form in the 登记 and Records Office for the previous grade to be removed from your GPA.
  • 你可以保留你的记录. The hold on your record must be removed before this transaction can be processed. 要查看记录上的保留,请单击 通知 然后铺上 持有.


  • 无法添加此类-未满足先决条件. 查看课程描述,了解入学要求列表. Some classes are restricted to students in specific majors or require a minimum number of credit hours completed. 选择 class number on the online class search for information on prerequisites for a particular class.
  • 无法完成您的请求. 您没有执行此事务的访问权限
    此时此刻. 您可能会看到此消息的原因有很多:
    • 您的注册预约时间尚未到达.
    • 你还没有被UMKC录取. 联系世界杯赌场盘口办公室,电话:816-235-UMKC.
    • 公开报名结束. 添加类, you will need to complete an add/drop form and obtain a signature from each instructor.
  • 无法添加此类-超过了最长期限. Adding this class would exceed the maximum number of units or courses allowed for this term. You are trying to enroll in more credit hours than is permitted by your academic unit. 向你的学术顾问申请更多时间的许可.
  • 你不能放弃这门课. 放弃这门课会使你低于最低必修单元数. 你不能放弃所有的课程. 要放弃所有的课程,你必须完成一份 离职面谈问卷.


  • Athletes must get a signature from the Athletic Student Services office to drop below full-time.
  • International students must get a signature from the International Student Affairs office to drop below full-time.